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Make meaningful connections on our local Christian dating site. We know that finding someone who shares your beliefs is of the utmost importance. Christian singles choose to date here because we are a secure site that takes pride in connecting singles with the one, the one that will truly get you.

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A Genuine Dating Community

Connect with fellow Christians in your area. Our feeds are filled with members sharing their favourite passages and hobbies. Effortlessly browse profiles on the MeetMe section of the site, save your favourites for later. Become a VIP membership to unlock unlimited messaging, your profile will be shown more often in member feeds and you can see who has been viewing your profile.

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Secure Online Dating

We take your security seriously. We have customer support teams available 24/7, ensuring your space is filled with genuine members. All profiles go through verification checks, for that extra safety. Our VIP memberships offer you secure payment methods for that peace of mind. Find the one that will fit your lifestyle.

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